The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1



Values-Based Selling

Linda Avery


here is plenty of conversation these days about values: family values,
core values, Wal-Mart values, you name it. Yet a true understanding of
values has become muddied over the past few years. “Values” has be-
come one of those words that sounds like it may have moral substance
and great significance... but often people are not sure why or how. What I
can tell you, though, is that values in your business can make all the differ-
ence in your success. And the more attention you pay to values, the more lives
you can change for the better.
Let’s talk about what values are not, and then see if there is a definition
that will serve you well in your business. Remember the stereotypical used-car
salesman (poor guy!), who has been much maligned for being a glad-hander
and, well, not a very good listener (that’s putting it mildly!). These salespeople
are still around, but they’re not getting quite as much business as they once
did. Something about their approach turned people off.
If you’ve encountered this kind of sales approach, did you believe that
the salesperson cared about you? Did he or she understand what was impor-
tant to you? Did she listen to you, or did she tell you what to think? Did you
get a word in edgewise? Did you buy the car and then spend the next four
years kicking yourself because you did? Did you get red in the face and
threaten to knock his block off? Was it a pleasant experience that felt like a
win-win? Did you go back, eager to do business with him?
Let’s examine the dynamics of that old selling ploy where the seller tells
you what you want. Let’s discover what notto do in selling. Remember, in
network marketing, when you are recruiting and sponsoring, you are literally
selling your business opportunity and yourself to others.
First of all, the ineffective seller (that’s you) talks too much. A rule of
thumb in selling is, “Let the buyer talk. You listen.” Why, you might ask,
shouldn’t I tell the buyer all about the great advantages of my business? I’m
the one who knows everything, after all.” Au contraire.You know very little

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