The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

years. Brad has sat on company advisory boards and been featured in numerous
magazines and industry journals as well as top-selling books. Brad is recognized
as one of the leading motivational speakers in the industry. Many consider him
to be the number one nuts-and-bolts trainer in the business.
Brad has trained thousands of people in effective life-skills seminars that
are powerful in building not only a financial success but also a balanced per-
sonal relationship environment with family and friends. Brad believes that to
grow and maintain a large income requires strong leadership skills and a will-
ingness to change. In his trainings, he shows people how to change in the area
of personal growth. Over the years, Brad’s training system has provided the ve-
hicle for exuberant people to enjoy exceptional incomes and ideal lifestyles. The
training system is a gold mine that has produced many fortunes for those who
follow his coaching. Brad’s best-selling tape and training program entitled Suc-
cess Leaves Clueshas helped many people hit millionaire status.
Brad and his wife Marcia live in Las Vegas where they raise their son,
Devin. With a seven-figure income, they are the top earners in CyberWize with
over 80,000 people in their organization. To contact Brad or to get information
about his system and training materials go to


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