The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

As a network marketing millionaire, or budding millionaire, there are
now other things for you to consider:

  • What am I going to do with my money?

  • How long and hard do I want to work?

  • What is my definition of financial freedom?

  • Who do I want to bring along with me?

These are not easy questions, but ones that you surely can answer. You will
also have the opportunity to do some necessary financial planning and tax
planning. As an independent business owner, you are entitled to hundreds of
tax benefits that can amount to many thousands of dollars each and every
year. The combination of residual income and self-employment tax benefits
represents some of the most powerful financial tools anyone can access. You
will soon understand why the rich and famous can stay rich and famous—or
at least rich.
Here is your final challenge. Given the experience of working with hun-
dreds and maybe thousands of network marketing millionaires, the ultimate
challenge may not be how to become a millionaire, but what to do when you
become a millionaire. Residual income millionaires may be faced with choices
that they have never dealt with before in their lives—choices like:

  • What time do I want to get up today?

  • Do I want to work today?

  • Where do I want to be today?

  • What do I want to do today?

  • How do I want to spend the rest of my life?

Network marketing can be a vehicle for doing as much good as possible
for as many people as possible, and getting paid for doing it! There are people
who have some very definite personal goals that can be attainable with the
level of financial security made possible by a million-dollar residual income.
These might include:

  • Gaining a long overdue education.

  • Sending someone to college.

  • Doing mission work or contributing to charity.

  • Creating a new home for oneself or one’s family.

  • Having the means to afford all the material things that make life fun
    and exciting.

The Magic of Network Marketing: Building Real Residual Income 147
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