The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

Find a method of operation that your entire team can learn and get re-
sults from, especially the brand-new distributors. Teach it over and over and
over again. Teach it on your conference calls, after your meetings, and
through your actions. Have everyone experience it. Don’t teach anything else
until they get the basic method of operation down. If someone’s check is flat it
tells me that he has made his business too personality driven and not driven
by a simple and effective method of operation.


As you build your business, ask yourself whether what you’re doing and ask-
ing your team to do is something that can be done:

  • In depth, 10 or 15 levels below you.

  • By somebody you don’t even know, because the vast majority of peo-
    ple on your team you won’t even know.

  • Working thousands of miles away from you, because eventually the
    majority of your organization will not be in your backyard.

  • By a brand-new distributor, somebody who has never really been
    successful, and who is getting ready to approach someone with a lot
    of success. Remember, that’s really big!

Begin with the end in mind by putting the focus on what you are per-
sonally doing. If what you are doing on your first level is not something that
can be done in each scenario just listed, then the odds are you’ll never create
any depth on your team. What you’ll constantly get is you and your 10 team
members, then 20, then back to 10, bouncing back and forth. But you’ll never
develop any significant depth.
We want a presentation format that is so simple and duplicable that
when somebody hears it, they will always say:

  • “I can do what you’re doing.”

  • “I won’t have a problem doing what you’re doing with the people I

  • “I have the time to do what you’re doing.”

The problem I see with most approaches used by distributors to get a
person started is the person ends up thinking: “Yes, you’ve got a great com-
pany. Yes, I agree with everything you’re doing. Yes, it’s all great, really great.
But you know what?

Creating a Simple Yet Effective Method of Operation 159
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