The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

The success and duplication that Art is developing led to him being fea-
tured in the best-selling books Wave 4and “The Wave 4 Way to Building Your
Downline. He also wrote the monthly technology column for Uplinemagazine,
and is a frequent contributor to the “Fortune Now” newsletter. He is one of
only 600 individuals certified by the University of Illinois as a network market-
ing professional.
Art was one of the early pioneers of online network marketing. He de-
veloped an Internet-based viral prospect-creating system for his company,
which is one of the most automated recruiting systems in network marketing.
His site is one of the highest-ranked MLM training web
sites in the world. But he doesn’t just build his team on the Internet. He has
created a worldwide methodology for growth including global conference
calls, opportunity meetings, and live trainings. Most importantly, he’s done it
in a way that provides replication.
Want to get a glimpse of what type of lifestyle a network marketing busi-
ness can allow you to live? Browse through Art’s lifestyle photo gallery online
at Art offers everyone his “One-Minute
Sponsoring Tips for Network Marketers” newsletter free by simply visiting Art can also be reached directly at [email protected]
or by calling (281) 271-1105.


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