The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

“Well, Harry, you know, there’s one more step, and I don’t know if
you can do this or not. I don’t know if you can show this business to some-
body where they would want to get involved. Wouldn’t you agree that se-
curing your family’s financial security in case you are downsized is
important enough to check out the last step to see if this is something that
you can do?” I’m always bringing him back to the reality that this business
means he can accomplish his dream. So I say, “Is there any way possible
that you can go with me on these two appointments we just set with your
prospects so you can see how I show this business to them to see if it’s
something you can do?” So I get him to go. Now what am I really doing?
I’m getting my prospect to tell me that he’ll see this business presented two
more times!
While we are in the car driving to the appointment, guess what we’re
talking about? We’re talking about the business and how much fun it is and
how easy and how much money one can make with it. Then we get to the
prospect’s home and begin presenting the business... and Harry is sitting
there watching!
And that’s how you sponsor someone when they say no.
Let’s summarize briefly.
When someone tells you no, they are really saying, “I don’t believe this
will work for me. If it did work for me, I would get involved.”
You can’t answer the objection they give you because it’s typically not
completely true. Understand what they are really saying (i.e., lack of belief),
and answer that objection.
Get the potential recruit moving forward by suggesting testing the waters.
Show the recruit how to find prospects without talking to a single per-
son, without getting rejection, and before spending any money.
Schedule a follow-up appointment to make phone calls.
Encourage your potential recruit to give a stronger commitment so your
follow-up appointment will go well.
Call the prospects back with your new person listening on the phone.
Make sure he has a copy of your script so he can see there is nothing special
that you are doing.
As you talk to prospects, make sure Harry knows they are his prospects.
That increases his belief. When you set appointments, try to get Harry to go
on the appointments with you. This gives you more time with Harry and gets
him in front of seeing the presentation a second or third time. And the best
part is that when new people see the business again, it’s with prospects of
their own!
By the time you present the business to one of Harry’s prospects, even if
the prospect doesn’t get in, Harry typically does. Why? Because he has al-
ready experienced what it’s like to build the business and realizes it’s not that
difficult. The mystery is gone and Harry believes he can do it!


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