The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

really chose the right network marketing opportunities. As I left each one of
them I said the same thing: “I didn’t really think that one would work any-
way.” That alone probably tells you where my expectations were and what
my outcome would be each time.
One day I was reading an article in Successmagazine that was written
by Mark Yarnell. I don’t remember much about the article but it mentioned
that Mark lived in Reno, Nevada, which was also where I lived at the time. I
began to think that if I gave Mark a call I could probably convince him to
mentor me. So a few days later I acted on my newfound expectation. I looked
him up in the phone book and I called him—and he answered his own phone!
I asked him if I could buy him lunch and pick his brain a little. Another sur-
prise: He not only answers his own phone, he eats, too!
I drove up the mountainside to his hilltop castle, one of two landmarks
you can see from anywhere in Reno. He greeted me in person at the door and
asked me in. Wow, do they really make houses like this for mortals? We chat-
ted for a few minutes and then went outside to drive down the hill for lunch.
Mark stopped dead in his tracks when he saw my beat-up old Ford with the
paint peeling off and the dent in the driver’s side door, which made me leave
the window down so I could open it with the inside handle. He smiled and
said, “Let’s take my car.” Obviously his expectations about what kinds of
cars he would ride in were higher than mine at the time.


I was ready to change my life that day. I expected to win. I expected that
whatever Mark told me would work. I became passionate about my new
path. I can tell you right now that for the most part Mark told me what I al-
ready knew. Somehow it had new meaning, though. Coming from him, I ex-
pected it to work. My expectations started to drive my life. Like Mark, I also
learned that my expectations didn’t like to drive beat-up old Fords, either.
They liked to drive fast! They expected to drive 500-horsepower sports cars
that corner like they’re on rails. Expectations want to get you there fast so
they can move on to the next adventure. A year later I had built an organiza-
tion of more than 11,000 simply by acting on my expectations.



Because network marketing mortals see you as a network marketing god,
they expect you to be one. That means they expect you to have none of the

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