The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

and their family. Don’t worry about how deep they fall within your organi-
zation. Your relationship with your leaders is the most important part of
your business. Pay attention to this. This is called overlapping leadership;
practice it.



Over 90 percent of your team members will be good product consumers at
best. Always help them to feel good about themselves, their company, and
their products. Then they will be good consumers. This is normally done
through your occasional personal contacts with them and through your team
newsletter. This group of people will not build your empire; you can’t afford
to spend a lot of personal time with them.


Yes, you will need to pay some attention to the 90 percent of your team who
won’t build a business. This time is called management time:

  • It includes taking an occasional call from a nonbuilder to answer a
    question or two. Always be helpful and encouraging and always let
    them know that you appreciate them and their efforts.

  • Publish a monthly newsletter that is available on the Internet and
    through fax-on-demand. This way everyone has access to it. In the
    newsletter highlight a product, praise a leader of the month, and
    publish a top recruiters list and any other top 10 list you think will
    help drive your business. Where performance is measured, perfor-
    mance improves. Also publish the schedule of upcoming events and
    conference calls. Your newsletter helps everyone to feel included, and
    it saves time in communication with the team.

  • Hold a regularly scheduled monthly welcome conference call for
    newcomers (e.g., first Saturday of every month at 10 A.M. Pacific

  • Hold a regularly scheduled monthly product training conference call
    for everyone. You do not have to be the product expert on your
    team, nor do you have to hold this call personally.

  • Hold a regularly scheduled weekly leadership conference call for
    your leaders (leaders must qualify at a certain level to participate).

Leadership in an All-Volunteer Army 179
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