The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

won’t be as nervous. Here’s what you say: “Hey, Bob, I’d like you to listen to
a two-minute recorded message about an opportunity I’m excited about.”
Then give them your company’s recorded sizzle-call phone number and say,
“Call me back and let me know what you think.” If they ask you what it’s all
about, just say something like, “That takes all the fun out of it. Just take a
couple of minutes, make the call, and let me know what you think.” This ap-
proach works for people you know, not cold calls.


Use professional recruiting tapes or CDs that make your business simple and
duplicable for virtually anyone who can hand out or mail one to someone.
The great thing about tapes and CDs is that people can listen to them while
driving in their cars to or from work. This is when they are most susceptible
to the idea of eventually breaking away from their jobs and maybe working
from home full-time someday.


Wherever you go, make sure you carry business cards and a sample if your
company supplies those. Give a card and sample to everybody who comes
within three feet of you. Make sure to have the company’s (24/7) two-minute
recorded message and web site information with it. Try to get people’s contact
information for follow-up; then always follow up with a phone call and ask
them what they think. They’ll tell you if they are interested or if they need any
questions answered.


If your company does not have a home party plan, you may want to start one
yourself. Invite a bunch of people over for a product and business party. Serve
your products (if they are edible, of course) and coffee or tea. You can make
up your own presentation or play the company DVD. These meetings can
build into weekly hotel meetings. To invite prospects, send out invitation let-
ters or postcards and then call them to follow up. This can be a super way to
grow your business, one that others can easily duplicate since people love par-
ties. Just make sure they know it’s a home business opportunity party so there
will be no unpleasant surprises.

Free, Fun, and Creative Ways to Find Hot New Prospects 183
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