The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

In most cases, these successful leaders are not going to join you, especially
at first. They are probably doing well in another program and are not look-
ing to make a move to another company. If you are able to get through to
them, simply start a friendship. I’ve called many of the writers with featured
articles and leaders who ran ads in network marketing publications. I just
introduce myself and commend them for their leadership or inspiration.
Over the years, I have made many good friends this way, and some of those
top dogs have in fact joined me later in business. Remember, this business is
all about building friendships, and these people, like all of us, started out at
the bottom, too.


All professionals have voice mail, right? Go to the yellow pages and find the
people you want to target—like chiropractors, real estate agents, message
therapists, and others. Next, start calling after hours so you get their voice
mails. Leave a powerful, brief message asking them to call your 800 number
voice mail to hear a brief recorded overview and then to contact you for more
details. You can even purchase a national toll-free phone book of businesses.
Work this method diligently, and these professionals will be calling you to
join your business after your company 24/7 recorded message or web site
does the business presentation for you.


Do you ever get a funny joke e-mailed to you and then pass it on to your
friends to enjoy, too? Start to send regular e-mails to your list of contacts. Do
notspam. Build your list by meeting people and making friends. Once you’ve
established a bit of a relationship, send a joke, funny photo, inspirational
message, or other different or interesting message. Make sure your company
web site information or your signature file is at the top or bottom of every e-
mail. Along with the interesting message, your recipients get to see a brief ad
for your business. If people like the e-mail, they will pass it on to their
friends. Imagine one funny photo being forwarded to thousands or even mil-
lions of people across the world, each seeing your marketing information.
And it’s free!

Free, Fun, and Creative Ways to Find Hot New Prospects 185
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