The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1



Prospecting and Creating High

Visibility to Attract Business Builders

Dr. Tony Alessandra


here are two ways to attract and develop potential network marketing
business builders—getting people to come to you, or you going after
them. Prospecting is going after them, while promoting high visibility
is getting them to come to you.
One of the first things you can do in prospecting is be sure you’re doing
something in addition to working your current leads or sitting at your desk
waiting for the phone to ring as a result of seeds you previously planted. Suc-
cessful networkers do not wait for interested prospects to contact them—they
are proactive! They develop an endless stream of business and social contacts.
They ask their friends if they know of any people who might be interested in
working from home or developing a secondary income stream. They give
seminars and lectures to groups of targeted prospects regarding how to work
from home, achieve financial security, plan for early retirement, or fund the
educational needs for children. They send benefit-driven direct mail to the
owners of businesses or target-market prospects who already possess a suc-
cess mentality such as doctors or CPAs. They find out what kinds of business
and social activities their profile prospect is likely to engage in, whether it is
golf or chamber of commerce meetings, and they join and participate as well.
They get involved in civic and professional groups to become known as peo-
ple who support others to create lucrative second incomes, thus building a
reputation. They know that the more visible they are with their prospects, the
more likely they are to be credible with prospects, who will be more inclined
to want to do business with them.
Another great source of prospects for your network marketing business
is current or former customers who have already experienced the benefits of
your company’s products. Perhaps they are currently enjoying the products
without fully understanding the business opportunity the products represent.
One reason why former customers may no longer currently be active product

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