The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1
many ways and essential techniques used successfully in building a large busi-
ness. Due to the variety of ideas shared by the book’s many contributors, it
encompasses a broadly based perspective written to support entire network
marketing organizations or downlines and actual network marketing compa-
nies to acquire and pass along sound, duplicable business principles.
You will notice that the book’s tone and content stresses an ethical,
high-road, honorable, values-based approach. It was compiled to support the
network marketing profession in its continuing efforts to transform an often
tarnished image due to the unscrupulous practices and policies of some dis-
tributors and companies that have opted for the expedient approach over one
that is based on honoring others and leaving them with a good feeling about
what we do. The book conveys a wide array of styles and business-building
techniques, therefore offering something of value that will appeal to every
network marketing distributor. In a rapidly changing age, most of the book’s
content is timeless and of extreme value to today’s reader as well as those for
decades to come.
Thank you for taking the initiative to learn from the book’s masters. As
you apply the insights and principles they reveal in these pages, you will be
duplicating the components of mastery that will contribute to your business
and life success. Enjoy the journey.
Yours in success and partnership,
Joe Rubino

Preface xxi

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