The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1
The Next Step

Don’t go any further into your business at this point; instead, ask them when
they would like you to call them back. This way you get their personal com-
mitment to set a time with you.
If you’re using a web site or e-mail delivery for your follow-up infor-
mation, then this appointment should be within the next 48 hours. If you
use snail mail for your information package, you’ll have to allow a few
more days.
Set the appointment and confirm it by reading it back to them. Ask for
alternative phone numbers, such as a cell phone.

Be Impeccable in Your Follow-Up

Impeccable follow-up is key to recruiting in the cold market, so keep track
of your appointments and follow up exactly when you say you will. This is
one of the most critical aspects of cold-market prospects; it is also exactly
where a lot of people drop the ball. Remember, when you first speak with a
cold-market prospect, you start out with a credibility level of zero. Your fol-
low-up is their first opportunity to judge your reliability. Doing what you
say you will do will make an impression on your prospect. Even if your fol-
low-up call results in having to reschedule, your keeping your commitment
on a consistent basis will impress them (even if they are not overtly aware of
it) and it consistently sends the message that you will be a supportive, reli-
able business partner.
Sometimes it may take as many as 10 calls before your prospect
makes a decision, and that’s not a bad thing. During that time, a lot of
bonding and connection take place. By that final phone call, they have
come to feel as if they know you. (They do!) And if you’ve done what you
said you would each and every time, they’ve come to know you as someone
they can count on.
Some of these aspects of communication can seem very subtle. Don’t
be fooled. In a business of duplication, they are powerful—and critical.
Other methods you use will follow a similar process once you get the person
on the phone.


Although they are expensive in some markets, working with newspaper, mag-
azine, and radio ads can be a very effective way to build your business. Gen-
erally, the larger the city, the costlier the ad will be. There are some ways to
get prime space for less money, and I’ll cover those briefly. Most network


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