The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

When working with ads, unlike buying Internet-generated leads, you
won’t really know how many responses you’re going to have to work with in
any given week. This is a good reason to include buying a certain number of
leads in your ROMs. That way you’ll know that whatever else you have go-
ing, you’ll always have some people to call and talk to. After all, the only
thing that moves your business forward is talking to more people and doing it
on a regular basis!


Yet another great way to find more people to talk with is to look for strangers
with whom you already have something in common. Are you an engineer? A
quilter? A pilot, nurse, teacher, lawyer, graphic artist, video game designer,
classical guitarist, yoga practitioner, fly fisherman, finish carpenter? Whatever
profession or avocation you have, there are groups of people with similar in-
terests or professions who will be more open to hearing what you have to say
simply because you already have something in common.
Look for mailing lists, local community organizations, and online chat
rooms. Some cities sell their voter registration books, which tell you the
names, professions, and ages of the people residing at a particular address.
There are lots of creative ways to use that information to let people in your
community know what you are doing.
Maybe you’re an accountant. You can find other accountants through
the yellow pages or an online search engine and send out a postcard mailing.
Perhaps you’re a stay-at-home parent. Many communities have newspa-
pers geared toward families with children. Find some local events and make a
point of meeting new people. Listen when they talk. When you hear a prob-
lem that might be fixed by more money flowing into the family bank account,
offer to get them some information that could help their situation.


In network marketing, as in any business you want to build, it’s essential to
create your game plan, execute that plan, analyze your success, and then
adapt your actions based on that analysis. Don’t be afraid to change course if
something isn’t working. Don’t stick with something that isn’t working be-
cause it’s familiar or because it has worked for other people. Your business
takes a long-term commitment and laser-sharp focus on the activities that
make you money.
At the end of the day, talking to people is what builds our business.
There are so many ways to connect with new people if you keep your mind


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