The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1



The 7 Best (and Most Profitable)

Internet Prospecting Tools

Chris Zavadowski

“When all else fails, fresh tactics!”
—John Travolta as Sean Archer in Face/Off(1997)

Let’s face it. Prospecting stinks! Sure, you might be one of those unique
bulletproof super-distributors out there, making six figures a month, obliv-
ious to any “no” you hear, and addicted to talking to strangers. If that’s
you, congratulations! Skip to the next chapter—because you don’t need
my advice.
But if you’re the regular, everyday, hates-to-hear-“no” distributor, just
trying to make a few extra grand each month, keep reading. I know there are
many more of you in the network marketing world than there are Mr. Top
Producer. So these killer methods are for you.
However, two words of caution before we begin:

  1. Each network marketing company has its own set of marketing rules
    and regulations. Make sure you check with your company before go-
    ing down any marketing avenue that is new for you.

  2. Some of these marketing methods might be a little controversial. I
    can promise you, they all work like gangbusters, but they might not
    click for you. That’s okay. While each system and method builds on
    the previous one, you can still use this chapter à la carte. Pick and
    choose the tactics that work for you and your team.

Let’s begin...
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