The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

Next, you’ll fill in the web site you want people to end up visiting. Be
sure to use a tracking link so you can make sure your keywords are actually
paying off. (You can use a service like to
easily manage this.) That’s what makes this form of advertising so great. If
you are not getting a return on your investment, then you can quickly kill off
the nonperforming keywords and keep the ones that are making you money
or bringing you prospects.
And the last step? Set your daily or monthly spending budget, and
set the maximum bids for your keywords. Voilà! You’ve now put your
first classified ads online in front of millions of targeted prospects. Keep
in mind, depending on which PPC service you’re using, you may have
to wait a few days for your ads to be approved and appear. But the
wait can be well worth it. And with some services, your ads will appear
within just minutes and you will get visitors to your web site within an
hour. Exciting! Now that you’ve had a true crash course in this method,
here are the top three pay-per-click search engines to start testing, in order
of priority:

  1. Google’s Adwords (

  2. Overture (

  3. FindWhat (

With literally hundreds of PPC search engines out there, the opportu-
nity to get fresh eyes on your web site is endless (check out http://www.Pay for a comprehensive listing). If you want to be-
come an overnight expert in pay-per-click advertising, I recommend Perry
Marshall’s web site It’s an excellent how-to
resource that will give you advanced strategies to help you succeed.
By the way, most network marketing companies provide you with a web
site. But unfortunately, it’s not always designed to sell. It’s strange how most
companies fall down in this department. If that’s so for your company, then
you may want to set up a new web site with your own sales materials, getting
people to respond in whatever way you prefer—phone, e-mail, fax, online,
mail, and so on.
Here’s a bonus tip: If you are tired of telling people to go to your com-
pany web site with a long domain, like
/554523 and would prefer to send them to a short domain name like, then check out You can
buy a new domain name for about nine bucks, and then have it forwarded
to your long company web site address.


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