The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1 that allows me to give anyone a special toll-
free number they can call and record their comments. Instantly, that
recording becomes available for me to use online. Pretty neat, huh? That
same service allows me to send online “audio postcards” and do a number
of other impressive things with audio. Be sure to check it out and think of
ways you can be using audio to communicate with people.


Yes, the time has come when you can easily put video on your web site.
You know how effective infomercials are, right? Well, imagine having
your own little mini-infomercial posted on your web site. Not only can
your prospects and customers hear you, but they can actually see you talk-
ing to them.
Up until very, very recently, you’d have to spend thousands of dollars on
equipment and software that would post video to your web site. But a new
service has just been launched that is changing all the rules. Check it out at Instead of spending thousands of dollars on
equipment that takes you months to figure out, all you need to do is buy a
$40 webcam and you’re set. Pretty amazing what technology can do for your
business now!
So there you have them—the seven best Internet prospecting tools.
Each one allows you to leverage your time once and benefit forever. Pick the
one you’re most interested in and get started. Once you have it figured out
and working, move on to another and another. If you want to share your
successes or have additional questions, I encourage you to contact me at To your success!

Chris Zavadowski has gained top recognition online and in the network mar-
keting community for his unique ways of helping others grow their Internet
businesses and downlines. Through his training tools and speaking engage-
ments, he has taught thousands his successful ways of working with the Inter-
net. Unlike many other business-building tools available, all of Chris’ marketing
resources are grounded in solid direct-marketing principles.
Having been online since 1987, Chris is best known for his breakthrough
web site, The Internet’s first-ever collection
of generic fill-in-the-blank sales letter templates for those in network marketing,
The “Instant MLM Sales Letters” collection provides you with all of the sales
letters you need for prospecting, downline training, and product/service sales.


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