The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

Cindy liked instant messaging people who shared her passion for
horses. It was easy for her to talk to them. She could start a conversation with
anyone by sending the instant message, “Hello, my name is Cindy. I have a
four-year-old appaloosa stallion. What kind of horse do you have?”
Cindy was making friends online with horse lovers who were teachers,
school principals, and successful business owners. Many of her new friends
were interested in what Cindy was doing and signed up in her business.
Cindy always looked for people to instant message who knew a lot of
other people. Her sponsor had told her, “Your success in business is going to
be based on the number of people you can talk to, and the caliber of the peo-
ple you talk to. People who know a lot of other people are your best choices.”
The best example of Cindy’s online success occurred when she met
Roger. Roger was a very successful networker who was as passionate about
horses as Cindy was. Roger was living the networking dream. His four-year-
old business was generating $2,000 a month in commissions. The extra in-
come made a big difference in his lifestyle.
Cindy liked instant messaging Roger. He recommended the names of
books to read about networking and other resources that would help her.
They put each other on their buddy list so they could each see when the other
was online.
Roger looked forward to talking to Cindy. She had a great sense of hu-
mor and appreciated all of his jokes. He found it refreshing to talk to some-
one who was as enthusiastic about her networking business as he was about
his. He enjoyed passing along business tips to her because she always acted on
what he said.
Roger’s company changed its commission structure three weeks after he
met Cindy. He calculated that his income would be reduced from $2,000 to
$700 a month, and he wasn’t happy. The day he received his adjusted com-
mission check, Roger saw Cindy on his buddy list and sent her an instant
message: “Hi, do you have time to talk on the phone?”
Roger was interested in learning more about Cindy’s business. He
needed to find something to replace his lost income, and he wanted to act
quickly. He knew in the short time of their online friendship that he would
enjoy working with her. Roger knew there were numerous people who were
unhappy with his company’s restructured commission and were looking to
make a change. He contacted Terry, one of the most successful people in his
company, and told him about Cindy’s business.
Terry’s mid-six-figure annual income had been reduced, too. He had an
organization of more than 150,000 people who had been negatively affected
by the commission changes.
Terry always liked Roger and saw an opportunity to replace his missing
income by getting involved with Cindy’s company. In the following four
months, Terry and Roger added a thousand people to Cindy’s business.

The Internet Can Replace Your Warm Market 229
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