The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

prize be helpful? These are all questions to answer in the planning stages
for the show.
How many people will be participating in the show booth expenses is
another consideration. If you share a booth with four people and split the
costs, it can be more cost-effective for everyone. When this is done there must
be specific guidelines to have harmony among all participants.
Does the show you are considering allow products to be sold on the ex-
hibit floor? Selling products directly from the booth helps to defray some of
the expenses. Depending on the location, a tax license may be required for the
days of the show.
What will be the measure of success for the show? Are you looking for
total sales or lead generation? Set up the parameters for the goals you want to
achieve at the show before you go. Another decision is the show message.
What message do you want your exhibit to portray? Are you going to focus
on one product line or have several, and how will these be displayed?
To recap, consider the following decisions when deciding on participat-
ing in a particular show:

  • Location

  • Type of show

  • Budget

  • Attendance

  • Probability of sales

  • Probability of leads


Create a budget for the show and set up a plan for preparation. One sugges-
tion is to set up deadlines on a year-at-a-glance calendar. If deadlines are
missed, the cost increases. Most shows have one deadline for registration,
then another for renting carpet, and so forth. There is also a deadline for elec-
trical and for drayage if you use shipping and setup by the exhibit hall. We
have found that it is more economical to set up ourselves. When possible, we
take our own display, along with everything we need to create a functional
meeting. In many cities, the union requirements must be honored. You can do
many things yourself , but two-wheelers are usually banned. Exhibit halls
charge for everything—wastebaskets, vacuuming, chairs, and the like. We
usually rent two tall draped tables, carpet, and one stool (if the show is local,
we take our own stool). We take everything else, including a wastebasket and

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