The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

likely would not have been proactive in seeking you out, even if they were in-
terested. Thus, your initial time, energy, and resources would have been
wasted. I’ve seen it happen time after time. So, preventing this from happen-
ing is one obvious benefit of following up. However, what if the conversation
wasn’t so perfect, as is normally the case?
What if your potential partner has questions, concerns, objections, or mis-
conceptions? These things happen more often than not when that little negative
voice inside all our heads begins to talk and we let it take over. Remember when
it happened to you sometime in your life? How did you overcome it? I’ll bet that
somewhere there was a friend, a parent, a coach, or a mentor who helped you
overcome those fears or concerns or, at the very least, provided accurate infor-
mation and feedback to allay any misconceptions. This is another reason why
your follow-up call or contact is so important. By answering questions your
prospects may have or laying the factual framework over any incomplete or in-
accurate information they have gathered, you are not only building your reputa-
tion and relationship with those individuals but are also ensuring that they make
their decision based on the facts, all of which works in your favor.


Referrals can be one of your best sources of leads. While they can come from
many sources, referrals from people who have said no to you about either
your business or your product can be one of the most fruitful sources. All you
have to do is ask. This is one of the ways to turn an unsuccessful encounter
into something that pays lasting rewards. In fact, some of my best partners
started out as referrals from someone else.
Since it’s been proven that people, especially those with whom you have
some rapport, have a difficult time telling you no three times in a row, the follow-
up call or meeting provides a great opportunity to maximize your chances of
getting referrals from that person. So if they ultimately decline your business,
see if they would like to try some products, then ask for a referral. Your de-
meanor, professionalism, and likability will spell the difference in this and
countless other facets of our business. If people like you, they will want to help
you out, so be sure to ask for those referrals. If you ask for multiple referrals
(three perhaps), you have an even better chance of getting at least one.


One of the best things you can do for your future is to be seen as a person
who is a professional and one who can be counted on. How many times have
you encountered people in your life who had the best of intentions but didn’t


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