The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

This process is a simple one. Although the information I’ve shared here
may seem to suggest otherwise, once you get used to it, you’ll see this as a
very simple and systematic approach to knowing when and with whom you
should follow up. Your upline support team member will be there to share
with you the benefit of their experience if you have any questions. The key
thing to remember is that business is out there. You’ll find some right away,
but most of the gold you get will come about as a result of you digging con-
sistently for it, or in this case, following up diligently and professionally.
Therefore, you’ll want to be sure to be diligent, be consistent, but also be sure
to have fun! If you make it fun, people will be more likely to want to join you
and you’ll be more likely to do more of what you need to be doing.
In addition, you’ll want to be sure you have a system that helps you
keep track of your time and appointments. A critical part of this process is be-
ing professional and organized. If you show up when you said you would and
call when you said you would and overall are seen as someone who can be
counted on, you will leave a very positive impression in the minds of those
you speak with about this business, regardless of their level of interest. As a
result, people will come to respect you and feel comfortable referring others
to you. That is where you ultimately want to get. Being diligent in this process
will go a long way toward helping you become one of successful networkers
who find that hidden gold.

Early in his adult years, Jeff Mack thought the traditional route—a college de-
gree, hard work, staying the course—was the path to a great life. After a few
years working as a civil engineer and project manager, he soon realized that his
career, like most industries and careers, was driven principally by things beyond
our control—such as interest rates, the economy, regulations, or investor favor.
He began to see that this traditional route was simply going to let him get by,
and Jeff wasn’t satisfied with that future. About 14 years ago, Jeff changed his
future by beginning to work part-time with Rexall Showcase, now known as
Unicity. His efforts grew into a full-time enterprise that has transformed his life
into an extraordinary one.
Jeff initially got started in his network marketing business part-time to
generate some additional income and to learn what it means to be an entrepre-
neur. It wasn’t long before his outlook and his life changed totally. Within a
year, he was able to focus on his business full-time. Over the next year, his busi-
ness income matched what he had earned as a civil engineer. The following
year, his earnings exceeded $100,000. Since then, Jeff, who had never really
traveled before, began to expand his business internationally. This took him to
Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, the United Kingdom,

Proper Follow-Up: The Hidden Gold Mine 257
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