The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1



Visionary Leadership

Mike Melia


eading others can be a very complicated venture. In network market-
ing, successful leaders work hard to simplify the task. As a leader in
this profession, you are leading masses of volunteers. Thus leaders
have two very important results they must maintain in order to create
massive success:

  1. Create a compelling vision for your volunteers to buy into.

  2. Keep your method of operation simple and easy to execute.

Creating a compelling vision is not a difficult task. Maintaining a true
focus on that vision over time is essential to your success and a much greater
challenge. It is when things get tough that true leaders rise to the occasion and
show their inner character.
How do you create a compelling vision? First of all, demystify the
process. A vision is simply a clear idea of what it is you want. Most people
drift through life with a vague idea of what they would like their lives to look
like, feel like, and taste like.
Your first step in becoming a leader with vision is to spend some time
engaged in the soul-searching endeavor of defining and refining exactly what
it is you want. Why do you want to be a successful network marketer?
If your answer is β€œTo be rich,” I recommend you take it further. What
would riches do for you, your family, friends, and community? How would
you feel if you achieved your goals? What would your life look like? How
would things be different than they are today?
Once you flesh out your vision and know what it is that you want,
then become fluent in speaking your vision. Keep your vision close to you
at all times and stay focused on the positive results that holding that vision
will bring.
A clear vision held over time is very likely to come into being. A crucial
mistake many people make is to drop their visions when things get tough.
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