The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

happens whether or not you are aware of it, like gravity. You must control
and protect your vision, for it powers your posture. It is your battery, and
only you can recharge you.
People say things, we interpret them, and this interpretation changes our
own posture, which will affect our very next communication. Posture is con-
trolling your next communication in spite of what you might interpret. We
have all heard the commercial that says never let them see you sweat. Net-
work marketing has many of those moments, especially in the first few weeks
of getting started. If you have been involved for three to six months, people
expect results. If you have been involved for two to three years, people expect
great results or there is a diminished likelihood that they will join you. In
those cases, they are looking at your attitude, what you have learned, and
what other benefits you have gained. Friends, vacations, free time, education,
and a great product experience all add to your posture.



It is totally within your power to control the circumstances and the selling en-
vironment in which you operate. It all comes down to value. What is the
value equation? What is a potential buyer’s reason to take action? Why would
someone want what you are selling? This may differ from why you think they
want it. How effective are you at offering your products, services, or income
opportunity without being attached to the outcome? You need to be com-
pletely isolated from the selling process while at the same time being in the
middle of it.
Let’s say you are offering cakes, pies, and brownies at a bake sale.
Someone is thinking about buying something. They look over the goods and
walk away. Are your feelings hurt? Probably not. But what if you baked
everything and the money was going to pay for something important in your
life? You might then put out quite an effort to sell them something. People
would sense your desire to sell your goods. This pressure might work with
baked goods but not with more costly items and certainly not with your net-
work marketing opportunity.
People can feel your need to sell them if your posture is off. If they can
feel your need to sell more than they can feel their desire for your product or
service, you will have a difficult time. Conversely, if they feel the need for and
value of your product and service and notice that you really don’t need their
sale because lots of people are buying, they’ll want to be a part of the story. If
everyone thinks an opportunity is fun, simple, and profitable, they will want
to join. If they think that you will work your business and would succeed

Posture, Process, and Perspective Create Profits 265
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