The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

Recommended Resources


1.The 7-Step System to Building a $1,000,000 Network Marketing Dynasty:
How to Achieve Financial Independence through Network Marketing
This book is perhaps the most comprehensive step-by-step guide ever written on
how to build a lasting, multimillion-dollar organization. Successmagazine called
master instructor, Dr. Joe Rubino a Millionaire Maker in its landmark “We Cre-
ate Millionaires” cover story because of his ability to pass along to others the
power to achieve top-level success. Now you can learn exactly how Dr. Joe built
his own dynasty so that you can, too. Follow the seven detailed steps-to-success
blueprint and join the ranks of network marketing’s top income earners.

Step 1: Visioning—Establish Your Reasons for Joining and Create a
Compelling Vision
Step 2: Planning—Create a Master Plan That Will Support You to Real-
ize Your Vision
Step 3: Prospecting—Effective Prospecting: Who, Where, and How and
How Many?
Step 4: Enrolling—The Power to Enroll: How to Become an Enrollment
Step 5: Training—Train like a Master Instructor: Structures for Success-
ful Partnerships
Step 6: Personal Development—Grow As Fast as Your Organization
Does: Create Structures for Personal Excellence
Step 7: Stepping Into Leadership—The Keys to Developing Other Self-
Motivated Leaders

2.Secrets of Building a Million-Dollar Network Marketing Organization
from a Guy Who’s Been There Done That and Shows You How You Can
Do It, Too

Learn the keys to success in building your network marketing business.

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