The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

around people who drain your battery and expect to create and maintain a
great attitude. You need to associate with people who charge your battery,
not drain it. Who you associate with is your choice, set every day. Making
good decisions will add another valuable brick in the foundation necessary to
exhibit a great attitude.
Write down the names of the five most positive persons you know.
These people leave you feeling different—charged, optimistic, and expecting
great things. Now let’s have you visit the other side of the coin. Write down
the names of the five most negative persons you know. These people don’t
leave you feeling the same, either; they leave you feeling drained. Their very
nature leaves you with less air in your balloon than when you first got to-
gether. Now write down next to the 10 names how much time you typically
spend with each of them. Here is what this exercise is all about. I want you to
visually see with whom you are spending your time and with whom you
shouldbe spending your time. Some of these relationships will by their nature
leave less room for your ability to reduce or maximize your interaction. How-
ever, keep in mind as you are building your organization, more people quit
network marketing in their first month because of the negative naysayer than
for any other reason. From this point on I encourage you to maximize the
time spent with those persons who charge your battery and minimize the time
spent with those persons who drain your battery. You will be pleasantly sur-
prised at the positive effect this will have on your ability to create and main-
tain a great attitude. Here is a valuable tip, the moment you surrender
ownership of your attitude to circumstances or to another person, you com-
promise its power in your life and you risk its loss.
Third, it is critical for you as a network marketing entrepreneur to
read and listen to positive information in an effort to fill your mind with in-
formation that lends itself to the creation and maintenance of a great atti-
tude. Develop an insatiable appetite for positive mental nutrition. If you are
going to succeed in building an organization, you must set this example.
You should view your travel time as attitude maintenance time. Think about
the hours you spend every year in your car. What if you made a mental deci-
sion to make this personal time, personal growth time, and attitude mainte-
nance time? How many hours did you waste last year listening to some silly
radio station that had no impact on the incredible asset called your attitude?
Our minds need positive input every bit as much as our bodies do. If we
feast on a diet of positive mental food on a daily basis, our minds react fa-
vorably and support our cause with a high degree of energy and resilience.
And the best thing about this diet is that you don’t have to count calories.
The more positive mental input you take every day, the better. If you want
to have the type of attitude that is the foundation for achievement, make a
decision that your mental state of mind is as important as or more impor-
tant than your physical well-being. Take care of it. Read about inspirational

Bring the Right Attitude to Your Network Marketing Experience 13
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