The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

clearly understood by everybody. There are three critical elements of any net-
work marketing system:

  1. Bringing people into the business.

  2. Keeping people in the business.

  3. Developing competent people into leaders.

If no system is in place, or you need a better one, the best thing to do is
study existing systems that are successful and adapt them, or portions of
them, to your own venture.
Why is it so important to have a strong system in place? It is your sys-
tem that allows you to develop true residual income. You should not be the
focal point of income generation. Instead, you need a system that guarantees
continued growth without you! Here is a case study that shows you how it
can be done:

Steve had been working his network marketing business for six
months. Although his own individual performance was strong, he
was having trouble getting new people he brought in to duplicate
it. So he decided to create a system that could be used to enroll
people, and then, in turn, be duplicated by them. Steve developed
a five-step process:

  1. Get started properly.

  2. Generate potential business partners.

  3. Prospect and invite.

  4. Present the business.

  5. Follow up.

Steve recognized that keeping people in was at least as impor-
tant as bringing them in. Therefore, he established a business plan-
ning process that kept them engaged in building their businesses
for at least 12 months. He made sure that support materials were
developed, and initiated Internet-based training, as well as event
scheduling and conference calling to provide further support. His
masterstroke was to provide a coaching system and institute a pro-
gram for developing leaders.

As you read Steve’s case study, you might have been struck by the
amount of work and time it took before the system was in place. But it paid
off handsomely and resulted in Steve becoming the most successful distributor
in his company.


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