Traditional Chinese Medicine Medicated Diet Recipe Book

(C. Jardin) #1
Chestnut and Fruit Cake (栗子蛋糕)


  1. 16 eggs (鸡蛋), separate egg whites and egg yolks

  2. 300 g of white sugar (白糖)

  3. 200 g of floor (面粉)

  4. 100 g cornflour (玉米粉)

  5. 100 g of chestnut flour (栗子粉)

  6. 90 g of butter melted (牛油)

  7. 2 tsp of vanilla extract
    Divided the above ingredients into two equal portions for making 2 spongy cake

  8. 500g of chestnut jam 500 g li zi jiang (栗子浆)

  9. fresh sliced strawberry Xian cao mei (鲜草莓) right amount for decorating the

  10. fresh sliced kiwi Xian mi hou tao (鲜猕猴桃) right amount decorating the cake

  11. whipping cream right amount decorating the cake

Utensils you need for making the spongy cakes

  1. mixer with whisk attachment

  2. rubber spatula

  3. spring form pan 26 cm/10 inch diameter lined with parchment

  4. bowl

  5. sieve

  6. wooden skewer

How to make a spongy cake?
The above ingredients are using to make two spongy cakes. So we have to divide the
ingredients into two equal portions. Here are the steps for making one spongy cake.

  1. Preheat the oven, set the to 180 C/ 350 F

  2. Mix the 8 egg yolks: place the egg yolks into the mixer and mix on high speed until

creamy, after 1 min, add about 2 tbsp sugars, continue to mix until the mixture becomes

thicker , then add vanilla extract, keep mixing until the mixture double in volume

Turn off mixer, transfer the egg yolk to a separate bowl

Thoroughly washing the mixing bowl the attachment, and preparation for egg white

Useful tips: make sure that the mixer attachment and the bowl are washed extremely
clean, if not any fat that remain in these utensils will negatively affect the whipping of the

egg whites

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