Islam and Modernity: Key Issues and Debates

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258 Islam and Modernity

possible to describe either of them as purely political or Islamic modernist? What
were the primary objectives of both types of (Muslim) modernists? Can the same
or a similar opposition be perceived today?

  1. How has the Muslim perception of modernity changed during the three phases of
    Islamic modernism identifi ed in the chapter? How diverse is the movement for
    Islamic modernism in contemporary Muslim societies?

  2. From an analysis of the political discourse by the Islamic modernists on
    constitutionalism, caliphate and Islamic state, what is the signifi cance of the
    contemporary debates on caliphate?

  3. Can Islamic modernism be described in terms of a pan-Islamic movement? Which
    ideas fi rst formulated by Iqbal were developed further by Iranian thinkers? How
    can one explain this development?

  4. Why does the author speak of the end of Islamic modernism? What has replaced
    (or suppressed) it?

  5. In what sense is the movement for the Islamisation of knowledge a quest for
    authenticity? Is this quest a search for compatibility of modern sciences with
    Islam, as claimed by the Islamic modernists, or is it the rejection of this claim?


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