Islam and Modernity: Key Issues and Debates

(singke) #1

Preface vi

Part 1. Conceptualising Modernity

  1. Tradition and Modernity within Islamic Civilisation and
    the West 3
    Armando Salvatore

  2. Western Scholars of Islam on the Issue of Modernity 36
    Muhammad Khalid Masud and Armando Salvatore

Part 2. Negotiating Modernity

  1. Political Modernity 57
    Sami Zubaida

  2. Islam, Modernity and the Politics of Gender 91
    Deniz Kandiyoti

  3. Sufi sm, ‘Popular’ Islam and the Encounter with Modernity 125
    Martin van Bruinessen

  4. Colonialism and Islamic Law 158
    Ebrahim Moosa

Part 3. Debating Modernity

  1. The Reform Project in the Emerging Public Spheres 185
    Armando Salvatore

  2. The Ulama and Contestations on Religious Authority 206
    Muhammad Qasim Zaman

  3. Islamic Modernism 237
    Muhammad Khalid Masud

  4. The Shifting Politics of Identity 261
    Abdulkader Tayob

List of Contributors 285
Index 288

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