eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Online Marketing

(sharon) #1

Saylor URL: http://www.saylor.org/books Saylor.org

A search for “Macbook” shows that there are many entries on the SERP (search engine results

page) that Apple does not control.

[1] “King III Report,” PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2009,http://www.pwc.com/za/en/king3/index.jhtml (accessed June
23, 2010).
[2] “Edelman Trust Barometer 2008,” Edelman,
2008,http://www.edelman.com/TRUST/2008/TrustBarometer08_FINAL.pdf (accessed June 22, 2010); “Trust in
Advertising: A Global Nielsen Consumer Report,” Nielsen, October
2007,http://asiapacific.acnielsen.com/site/documents/TrustinAdvertisingOct07.pdf (accessed June 22, 2010).

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