eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Online Marketing

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If an XML (extensible markup language) file is used for the content in a Macromedia Flash file, then the
content can be easily read by search engine spiders.

Information Architecture

Well-organized information is as vital for search engines as it is for users. An effective link structure will
provide benefits to search rankings and helps to ensure that a search engine indexes every page of your

Make use of a site map, linked to and from every other page in the site. The search engine spiders follow
the links on a page, and this way, they will be able to index the whole site. A well-planned site map will
also ensure that every page on the site is within a few clicks of the home page.

There are two site maps that can be used: an HTML site map that a visitor to the Web site can see, use,
and make sense of and anXML (extensible markup language) site map that contains additional
information for the search engine spiders. An XML site map can be submitted to search engines to
promote full and regular indexing. Again, a dynamically generated site map will update automatically
when content is added.

Using a category structure that flows from broad to narrow also indicates to search engines that your site
is highly relevant and covers a topic in depth.

Canonical Issues: There Can Be Only One

Have you noticed that sometimes several URLs can all give you the same Web page? For example, refer to
the following:

All the above can be used for the same home page of a Web site. However, search engines see these as
three separate pages with duplicate content. Search engines look for unique documents and content, and

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