
(Nora) #1
22 Save the scene as MySwimmer05.max.

Applying a twist pose:

You can use twist poses to correct upper arm rotations. Twist poses are
primarily used to correct arm twisting, but in this case we’ll use it to simply
position the arm efficiently.

1 Turn off Auto Key if it is on.

2 Select Bip01 L Upperarm.

3 Move the time slider to frame 33.

4 Expand the Twist Poses rollout.

5 In the Twist Poses drop-down list, choose each pose and observe the
change to the arm in the viewport.
Consider these default poses as additional copied postures that you can
use to “straighten out” problems by defaulting to fixed rotations.

Twist Poses

6 When pose 5 is selected the arm will be rotated and positioned
correctly. Expand the Key Info rollout and click Set Key to keyframe the
twist pose.

Creating a Simple Freeform Animation | 783

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