
(Nora) #1

3 At frame 0, select and move the left hand slightly, to set a key.

4 At frame 0, select and move the right hand slightly, to set a key.

5 At frame 27, select and move the left hand so it swings forward.

Position the arm so there is a slight bend at the elbow. Since Auto Key is
on, you have keyframed the arm by moving it.

6 On the Track Selection rollout, click Opposite.

The right hand is selected.

7 Move the right hand back slightly, so the arm is stretched out.

The left arm is forward and bent a little, while the right arm is back and

8 In the Front viewport, double-click Bip01 R UpperArm.

The entire right arm is selected.

Animating a Freeform Walk Cycle | 819

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