
(Nora) #1
Frames are automatically added to the animation.

The light grey background extends behind the footstep keys. The time
slider now shows that there are 230 frames in the animation.

10 Play the animation and observe the biped motion.
The biped walks, then stops and waits, and then walks again. The motion
seems a bit odd, though, as he steps off around frame 180.

TIPThere are a number of different ways to play and observe biped motion.
One way is to drag the time slider to play the animation. For more control,
press the < and > keys on the keyboard. This lets you stop instantly if you see
a problem, and is more like a traditional animator flipping through the pages
of drawings.

11 In the Footstep Operations rollout, click Create Keys For Inactive

12 Play the animation again.
The motion is better. When new keys are created, 3ds Max applies a new
upper-body motion.

TIPFor this reason, when you animate starting with footsteps, work out the
foot motion before you worry too much about the upper body motion.

752 | Chapter 5 Character-Animation Tutorials

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