Object Oriented Programming using C#

(backadmin) #1

Object Oriented Programming using C#
Case Study

This chapter consists of sixteen sections :-

  1. The Problem

  2. Preliminary Analysis

  3. Further Analysis

  4. Documenting the design using UML

  5. Prototyping the Interface

  6. Revising the Design to Accommodate Changing Requirements

  7. Packaging the Classes

  8. Programming the Message Classes

  9. Programming the Client Classes

  10. Creating and Handling UnknownClientException

  11. Programming the Main classes

  12. Programming the Interface

  13. Using Test Driven Development and Extending the System

  14. Generating the Documentation

  15. The Finished System

  16. Running the System

  17. Conclusions

11.1 The Problem

User requirements analysis is a topic of significant importance to the software engineering community and totally outside
the scope of this text. The purpose of this chapter is not to show how requirements are obtained but to show how a problem
statement is modelled using OO principles and turned into a complete working system once requirements are gathered.

The problem for which we will design a solution is β€˜To develop a message management system for a scrolling display
board belonging to a small seaside retailer.’

For the purpose of this exercise we will assume preliminary requirements analysis has been performed by interviewing
the shop owner, and the workers who would use the system, and from this the following textual description has been

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