Object Oriented Programming using C#

(backadmin) #1

Object Oriented Programming using C#
Case Study

And the methods include :-
• display
• add (client to book)
• add (message to set)
• lookUp (client in book)
• purge
• decrement
• expire
• delete

11.3 Further Analysis

We could now document this proposed design using UML diagrams and program a system accordingly. However before
doing so it would be better to find any potential faults in our designs as fixing these faults now would be quicker than
fixing the faults after time has been spent programming the system. Thus we should now refine our design using CRC
cards and elaborate our classes.

CRC cards (see Chapter 6 section 6.10 and 6.11) allow us to role play various scenarios to check if our designs look feasible
before refining these designs and documenting them using UML class diagrams.

The two CRC cards below have been developed to describe the Client and ClientBook classes. The panel on the left shows
the class responsibilities and the panel on the right shows the classes they are expected to collaborate with.

We can now use these to roleplay, or test out, a scenario. In this case what happens when we get a new client in the shop?
Can this client be created and added to the client book?

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