Object Oriented Programming using C#

(backadmin) #1
Object Oriented Programming using C#
Case Study

Note that (a) would mean a simple display board and more complexity for the “Display messages” responsibility of
MessageSet, while (b) implies the converse

For this exercise we will assume the answer to this is (b), hence the responsibilities of scrolling through a set of messages
will be assigned to the DisplayBoardControl interface.

Looking at these CRC cards it would appear that we can
• Create a new message,
• Add this to the message set and
• Display these messages by invoking load ‘list of messages’ and ‘run cycle of messages’

So this part of our design also seems to work.

The Message Purge Scenario
The final scenario that we want to run though here is the message purge scenario. At the end of the day when messages
have been displayed the remaining days of the message need to be decremented and the message will need to be deleted
if a) the message has run out of days or b) the client has run out of credit.

CRC cards for the classes involved in this have been drawn below...

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