Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1
11.43.Compare heat-transfer rates through layers of human
skin, human muscle, and human fat tissue. Assume a
5-mm thickness and a temperature difference of 2 °C
across each layer.
11.44. Calculate the heat-transfer rate through a 24 ft
with. The indoor and outdoor tem-
peratures are 68 °F and 10 °F.
11.45. Look up the low- and high-daily-temperature values
for the month of October 2009 for your town and cal-
culate the degree days for the given month.
11.46.For your town calculate the degree-days for the months
of December, January, and February 2009 and com-
pare it to the 2009 annual degree-days value.
11.47. For a building located in Baltimore, Maryland with
annual heating degree-days (dd) of 4654, a heating load
(heat loss) of 30,000 Btu /h, and a design temperature
difference of 52°F (68°F indoor and 16°F outdoor),
estimate the annual energy consumption. If the build-
ing is heated with a furnace with an efficiency of 92%,
how much gas is burned to keep the home at 68°F?
State your assumptions.
11.48.For a building located in Boston, Massachusetts with
annual heating degree-days (dd) of 5634, a heating load
(heat loss) of 42,000 Btu /h, and a design temperature
difference of 62°F (68°F indoor and 6°F outdoor), esti-
mate the annual energy consumption. If the building is
heated with a furnace with an efficiency of 98%, how
much gas is burned to keep the home at 68°F? State
your assumptions.
11.49. For a building located in Detroit, Michigan with
annual heating degree-days (dd) of 6232, a heating load
(heat loss) of 52,000 Btu /h, and a design temperature
difference of 73°F (68°F indoor and 5°F outdoor),
estimate the annual energy consumption. If the build-
ing is heated with a furnace with an efficiency of 92%,
how much gas is burned to keep the home at 68°F.
State your assumptions.


h#ft^2 #°F

11.50.Visit the National Fenestration Rating Council
(NFRC) website at and lookup the
definition of energy performance ratings given by
Athrough E. Write a brief report discussing your
A. U-Factor
B. Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC)
C. Visible Transmittance (VT)
D. Air Leakage
E. Condensation Resistance

Problems 343

Problem 11.50
Source: Courtesy of The National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC).

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