Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

348 Chapter 12 Electric Current and Related Parameters

To increase the voltage output, batteries are often placed in a series arrangement. If we
connect batteries in a series arrangement, the batteries will produce a net voltage, which will be
the sum of the individual batteries placed in series. For example, if we were to connect four
1.5-volt batteries in series, the resulting potential will be 6 volts, as shown in Figure 12.1. Bat-
teries connected in a parallel arrangement, as shown in Figure 12.2, produce the same voltage,
but more current.


Photoemisssion is another principle used to generate electricity. When light strikes a sur-
face that has certain properties, electrons can be freed; thus electric power is generated.
You may have seen examples of photovoltaic devices such as light meters used in photog-
raphy, photovoltaic cells in hand-held calculators, and solar cells used in remote areas to
generate electricity.
Photovoltaic devices are becoming increasingly common in many applications because
they do not pollute the environment. In general, there are two ways in which the sun’s radia-
tion is converted to electricity: photothermal and photovoltaic. In photothermal plants, solar
radiation (the sun’s radiation) is used to make steam by heating water flowing through a pipe.
The pipe runs through a parabolic solar collector, and then the steam is used to drive a gener-
ator. In a photovoltaic cell, the light is converted directly to electricity. Photovoltaic cells, which
are made of gallium arsenide, have conversion efficiencies of approximately 20%. The cells are

1.5 volts 1.5 volts 1.5 volts

6 volts

1.5 volts 

6 volts


■Figure 12.1
Batteries connected in a series




1.5 volts


1.5 volts

■Figure 12.2
Batteries connected in a parallel

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