Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

The American Wire Gage (AWG)

Electrical wires are typically made of copper or aluminum. The actual size of wires is commonly
expressed in terms of gage number. The American Wire Gage (AWG) is based on successive gage
numbers having a constant ratio of approximately 1.12 between their diameters. For example, the
ratio of the diameter of No. 1 AWG wire to No. 2 is 1.12 (289 mils /258 mils1.12),
or, as another example, the ratio of diameter of No. 0000 to No. 000 is 1.12 (460 mils /
410 mils1.12). Moreover, the ratio of cross sections of successive gage numbers is approxi-
mately (1.12)
1.25. The ratio of the diameter of wires differing by 6 gage numbers is approx-
imately 2.0. For example, the ratio of diameters of wire No. 1 to No. 7 is 2 (289 mils / 144 mils
2.0), or the ratio of diameters of No. 30 to No. 36 is 2 (10.0 mils /5.0 mils2.0).
Table 12.2 shows the gage number, the diameter, and the resistance for copper wires. When
examining Table 12.2, note that the smaller the gage number, the bigger the wire diameter. Also
note from data given in Table 12.2 that the electric resistance of a wire is increased as its diam-
eter is decreased.
The National Electrical Code, published by the Fire Protection Association, contains
specific information on the type of wires used for general wiring. The code describes the wire

TABLE 12.2 Examples of American Wire Gage (AWG)
for Solid Copper Wire

American Wire
Gauge (AWG) Diameter Resistance per 1000 ft
Number (mils) (ohms) @ 77F

0000 460.0 0.0500
000 410.0 0.0630
00 365.0 0.0795
1 289.0 0.126
2 258.0 0.159
5 182.0 0.319
6 162.0 0.403
7 144.0 0.508
10 91.0 1.28
12 81.0 1.62
14 64.0 2.58
16 51.0 4.09
18 40.0 6.51
20 32.0 10.4
22 25.3 16.5
24 20.1 26.2
26 15.9 41.6
28 12.6 66.2
30 10.0 133
32 8.0 167
34 6.3 266
36 5.0 423
38 4.0 673
40 3.1 1070

12.4 Electrical Circuits and Components 355

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