Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

Problems 23

1.1. Observe your own surroundings. What are some of the
engineering achievements that you couldn’t do with-
out today?

1.2. Using the Internet, find the appropriate organization
for the following list of engineering disciplines.
Depending on your personal interests, prepare a brief

Katie McCullough

I have enjoyed math, science, and general
problem solving since middle and high
school. Engineering sparked my interest as
a way to engage in all of these disciplines.
Pursuing my Bachelor of Science degree
in Chemical Engineering led me through
many challenges. Besides keeping up with reading
assignments and learning class materials, one of my
greatest challenges was deciding what industry to enter
and what type of work I wanted to perform upon
graduation. Two actions that helped me in this decision
were taking a variety of elective classes in the engineer-
ing department and taking advantage of an engineering

Today, I am in the oil and gas industry supporting
facilities on a refined products pipeline system. One of
the things I have enjoyed most about engineering is the
diversity of work experiences I have had. In my current
position, I participate in incident investigations and risk
analyses that evaluate hazards in a facility. I drive risk-
reduction projects that impact communities, employ-
ees, and the environment by minimizing leak risks and
safety hazards. In past positions, I have managed a vari-
ety of commercial projects, as well as developed training
programs for engineers new to a facility. I look forward
to continuing to be challenged by new roles and to
exploring different opportunities in engineering as my
career continues.

Professional Profile



Now that you have reached this point in the text

  • You should have a good understanding of the significant role that engineers play in our every-
    day lives in providing water, food, shelter, and other essential needs.

  • You should have a good idea of the common traits and activities of good engineers. Engineers
    are problem solvers. They possess good oral and written communication skills and have a
    good grasp of fundamental physical laws and mathematics. They apply physical and chemi-
    cal laws and mathematics to design, develop, test, and supervise the manufacture of millions
    of products and services. They are good team players. They consider important factors such
    as sustainability, efficiency, cost, reliability, and safety when designing products. Engineers are
    dedicated to lifelong learning and service to others.

  • You should be familiar with the differences among various engineering disciplines. You now
    know that civil, electrical, and mechanical engineers represent a large percentage of the total
    number of engineers.

Source:Courtesy of Katie McCullough

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