Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

Passive Solar Systems

The passive solar systems do not make use of any mechanical components such as collectors, pumps,
blowers, or fans to collect, transport or distribute solar heat to various parts of a building. Instead,
a direct passive solar systemuses large glass areas on the south wall of a building and a thermal mass
to collect the solar energy. The solar energy is stored in interior thick masonry walls and floors dur-
ing the day and is released at night. In cold climates, the passive systems also use insulated curtains
at night to cover the glass areas to reduce the heat loss. Another feature of a passive solar system is
an overhang to shade the windows during summer as shown in Figure 13.26. Indirect gain passive
designs utilize a storage mass placed between the glass wall and the heated space (Figure 13.27). As
the air between the glass and masonry wall is heated it rises and enters the room through a vent at
the top of the wall. The room air enters the lower vent and is heated as it rises between the window
and the masonry wall. Not all of the solar heat is transferred to the air; some is stored.
Another common type of solar system is a sunspace. The space may be used as a green-
house, atrium, sun porch, or sun room. Masonry or concrete floors and walls, water contain-
ers, or covered pools of water may serve as thermal storage. A photograph of an interior section
of a passive house is shown in Figure 13.28.

402 Chapter 13 Energy and Power

■Figure 13.25A swimming pool solar heater.

Pool heater
(if one exists),
directly to the



Solar panel

Filter Pump Strainer


■Figure 13.26
A schematic of a building with
direct solar passive gain.



masonry walls
and floor

Direct gain through south-facing wall


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