Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

Problems 25

you realize that there is no room for mistakes or dis-
honesty in engineering! Mistakes made by engineers
could cost not only money but also more importantly
lives. Think about the following: An incompetent and
unethical surgeon could cause the death of at most one
person at one time, whereas an incompetent and
unethical engineer could cause the deaths of hundreds
of people at one time. If in order to save money an
unethical engineer designs a bridge or a part for an

airplane that does not meet the safety requirements,
hundreds of peoples’ lives are at risk!
Visit the Web site of the National Society of Pro-
fessional Engineers and research engineering ethics. Dis-
cuss why engineering ethics is so important, and explain
why engineers are expected to practice engineering
using the highest standards of honesty and integrity.
Give examples of engineering codes of ethics. Write a
brief report to your instructor explaining your findings.

Objective: To design a vehicle from the materials listed
below and adhere to the following rules.

  • You must use all the items provided.

  • The vehicle is to be dropped from a height of 10 ft.

  • The vehicle must land in the marked area (4 ft4 ft).

  • Each design is allowed one practice drop.

  • The vehicle design with the slowest drop time wins.

  • 30 minutes will be allowed for preparation.

Provided Materials:2 paper plates: 1 Dixie cup; 2 bal-
loons; 3 rubber bands; 1 straw; 12 self-adhesive labels

Impromptu Design I

“I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.”
— Thomas Jefferson (1743 –1826)

Source:Saeed Moavni

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