Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

428 Chapter 14 Electronic Spreadsheets

TABLE 14.2 The Relationship between the Interest Earned
and the Amount Deposited

Interest Rate

Dollar Amount 0.06 0.07 0.075 0.08

1000 60 70 75 80
1250 75 87.5 93.75 100
1500 90 105 112.5 120
1750 105 122.5 131.25 140
2000 120 140 150 160
2250 135 157.5 168.75 180
2500 150 175 187.5 200
2750 165 192.5 206.25 220
3000 180 210 225 240

■Figure 14.5 Excel spreadsheet for Example 14.2.

14.4 Using Excel Functions

Excel offers a large selection of built-in functions that you can use to analyze data. By built-
in functions we mean standard functions such as the sine or cosine of an angle as well as for-
mulas that calculate the total value, the average value, or standard deviation of a set of data
points. The Excel functions are grouped into various categories, including mathematical

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