Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

14.4 Using Excel Functions 431

TABLE 14.4 More Examples of Additional Excel Functions

Function Description of the Function

SQRT(x) Returns the square root of value x.

FACT(x) Returns the value of the factorial of x. For example, FACT
(5) will return: (5)(4)(3)(2)(1)120.

Trigonometric Functions

TAN(x) Returns the value for the tangent of x. The argument must be in

DEGREES (x) Converts the value of xfrom radians to degrees. It returns the value
of xin degrees.

ACOS(x) This is the inverse cosine function of x. It is used to determine the
value of an angle when its cosine value is known. It returns the
angle value in radians, when the value of cosine between 1 and 1
is used for argument x.

ASIN(x) This is the inverse sine function of x. It is used to determine
the value of an angle when its sine value is known. It returns the
angle value in radians when the value of sine falls between  1
and 1.

ATAN(x) This is the inverse tangent of the xfunction. It is used to determine
the value of an angle when its tangent value is known.

Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

EXP(x) Returns the value of e

LN(x) Returns the value of the natural logarithm of x. Note that xmust be
greater than 0.

LOG(x) Returns the value of the common logarithm of x.

TABLE 14.5 Data for Example 14.4

Group A Findings Group B Findings

r(kg /m^3 ) r(kg /m^3 )
1020 950
1015 940
990 890
1060 1080
1030 1120
950 900
975 1040
1020 1150
980 910
960 1020

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