Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1
Example 14.7 Use the following empirical relationship to plot the fuel consumption in both miles per gallon
and gallons per mile for a car for which the following relationship applies.Note: Vis the speed
of the car in miles per hour and the given relationship is valid for 20 V75.

Refer to the Excel sheets shown in the accompanying figures when following the steps.

Fuel Consumption 1 Miles per Gallon 2 

1000 V

900 V

438 Chapter 14 Electronic Spreadsheets

  1. First, using Excel and the
    given formula, we compute
    the fuel consumption in
    miles per gallon and gallons
    per mile for the given range
    of speeds. Note that the val-
    ues in cells C3 through C14
    are the inverse of cell values
    in B3 through B14.

  2. We plot the fuel consump-
    tion in miles per gallon ver-
    sus speed, as shown.

  3. With the mouse pointer in
    the chart area, click the
    right mouse button and
    choose Select Data.. ., as

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