Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

Hour Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

7– 8 Shower/ Shower/ Shower/ Shower/ Shower/ Extra sleep Extra sleep
Dress / Dress / Dress / Dress / Dress /
Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast

CLASS CLASS English CLASS CLASS Dress / Dress /
Breakfast Breakfast

9 –10 ENGLISH Study Intro. ENGLISH Study Intro. ENGLISH Grocery OPEN
CLASS to Eng. CLASS to Eng. CLASS shopping HOUR

10 –11 Study INTRO. Study INTRO. Study Grocery OPEN
Calculus TO ENG. H/SS TO ENG. Calculus shopping HOUR

11–12 H/SS Study H/SS Study H/SS Exercise Relax
CLASS Chemistry CLASS Chemistry CLASS

12 –1 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch

1–2 CHEM. Study CHEM. Study Intro. CHEM. Relax Relax
CLASS Calculus CLASS to Eng. CLASS

2 –3 Study CHEM. Study Study Intro. Study Study Study
H/SS LAB H/SS to Eng. H/SS English

3 – 4 Study CHEM. Study Study Study Study Study
Calculus LAB H/SS Calculus Calculus Chemistry H/SS

4–5 Exercise CHEM. Exercise Exercise Exercise Study Study
LAB Chemistry Chemistry

5–6 Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Relax

6 –7 Study Study Study Study Relax Relax Dinner
Chemistry Calculus Calculus Calculus

7– 8 Study Study Study Study Study Study Intro. Study
Chemistry Calculus Calculus Chemistry Calculus to Eng. Calculus

8 – 9 Study Intro. Study Study Intro. Study Recreation Recreation Study
to Eng. Chemistry to Eng. Chemistry Calculus

9 –10 Study Study Study Study Recreation Recreation Study
English Chemistry English English English

10 –11 Relax /Get Relax /Get Relax /Get Relax /Get Recreation Recreation Relax /Get
ready for bed ready for bed ready for bed ready for bed ready for bed

TABLE 2.2 An Example of Weekly Schedule for a Freshman Engineering Student


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