Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

15.2 Using MATLAB Built-in Functions 473

TABLE 15.9 Data for Example 14.4 (Revisited)

Group-A Findings Group-B Findings

r(kg /m


) r(kg /m


1020 950
1015 940
990 890
1060 1080
1030 1120
950 900
975 1040
1020 1150
980 910
960 1020

Example 14.4 Using MATLAB, compute the average (arithmetic mean) and the standard deviation of the
(Revisited) density of water data given in Table 15.9. Refer to Chapter 19, Section 19.4, to learn about what
the value of the standard deviation for a set of data points represents.

The final results for Example 14.4 (Revisited) are shown in Figure 15.6. The MATLAB
commands leading to these results are:

>>Density_A = [1020 1015 990 1060 1030 950 975 1020 980 960];
>>Density_B = [950 940 890 1080 1120 900 1040 1150 910 1020];
>> Density_A_Average = mean(Density_A)
Density_A_Average =
>> Density_B_Average = mean(Density_B)
Density_B_Average =
>> Standard_Deviation_For_Group_A = std(Density_A)
Standard_Deviation_For_Group_A =
>> Standard_Deviation_For_Group_B = std(Density_B)
Standard_Deviation_For_Group_B =

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