Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1
MATLAB also provides the elseifcommand that could be used with the ifand elsestate-
ments. It is left for you to learn about it. Try the MATLAB help menu: type help elseifto learn
about the elseif statement.

Example 14.5 The pipeline shown in Figure 15.7 is connected to a control (check) valve that opens when
(Revisited) the pressure in the line reaches 20 psi. Various readings were taken at different times and
recorded. Using MATLAB’s logical functions, create a list that shows the corresponding open
and closed positions of the check valve.

15.2 Using MATLAB Built-in Functions 477

■Figure 15.7
A schematic diagram for
Example 14.5 (Revisited).

■Figure 15.8
The solution of Example
14.5 (Revisited).

The solution to Example 14.5 (Revisited) is shown in Figure 15.8. The commands lead-
ing to the solution are:

>> pressure=[20 18 22 26 19 19 21 12];
>> fprintf('\t Line Pressure (psi) \t Valve Position\n\n');
for i=1:8
if pressure(i) >=20
fprintf('\t %g \t\t\t\t\t OPEN\n',pressure(i))
fprintf('\t %g \t\t\t\t\t CLOSED\n',pressure(i))

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