Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

2.3 Daily Studying and Preparation 31

Attend Your Classes Regularly Yes, even if your professor is a bore, you can still learn a great
deal from attending the class. Your professor may offer additional explanations and discussion
of some material that may not be well presented in your textbook. Moreover, you can ask ques-
tions in class. If you have read the material before class and have made some notes about the
concepts that you do not fully understand, during the lecture you can ask questions to clarify
any misunderstanding. If you need more help, then go to your professor’s office and ask for
additional assistance.

Get Help Right Away When you need some help, don’t wait till the last minute to ask! Your pro-
fessor should have his or her office hours posted on the office door or be available on the Web.
The office hours are generally stated in the course syllabus. If for some reason you cannot see
your professor during the designated office hours, ask for an appointment. Almost all profes-
sors are glad to sit down with you and help you out if you make an appointment with them.
After you have made an appointment, be on time and have your questions written down so that
you remember what to ask. Once again, remember that most professors do not want you to wait
until the last minute to get help!
Any professor can tell you some stories about experiences with students who procrastinate.
Recently, I had a student who sent an e-mail to me on Sunday night at 10 : 05p.m.asking for an
extension on a homework assignment that was due on the following day. I asked the student the
next morning, “When did you start to do the assignment?” He replied, “at 10 : 00p.m.Sunday
night.” On another occasion, I had a student who came to my office and introduced himself to
me for the first time. He asked me to write him a recommendation letter for a summer job he

Read the material your professor is planning to cover in class ahead of time.
Source:© Golden Pixels LLC /Alamy

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